11 Ways I’m Preparing for Thanksgiving as a Chronic Lyme Patient
Navigating the holidays with chronic Lyme? Discover my 11 go-to strategies for a stress-free, nourishing Thanksgiving.

The Benefits of Far Infrared Sauna Therapy for PANS/PANDAS

Mold and Mycotoxins: The Hidden Danger in Water-Damaged Buildings

How a Toxic Work Environment Can Trigger a Lyme Relapse & How to Protect Your Health

The Hidden Dangers of Mold in Your Laundry: What You Need to Know

Unraveling the Complexities of Lyme Disease and Mold Toxicity: Insights from Dr. Steven Bock

Reducing Anxiety in Lyme Recovery: Essential Strategies for Mental Health and Wellness

Navigating Social Security Disability Appeals: What to Do If Your Claim Is Denied

Dr. Steven Bock Answers Your Questions
In a recent blog post, Lyme Advise engages the community by presenting a unique opportunity to have their pressing questions answered by Dr. Steven Bock, a renowned Integrative Lyme Specialist from Rhinebeck, New York. Dr. Bock, an ILADS founding member and current board member, brings nearly three decades of experience in treating Lyme and tick-borne diseases, making up about 75 percent of his practice. From his approach to new treatments like UVL therapy to tackling complex cases of chronic Lyme, Dr. Bock shares valuable insights, emphasizing Lyme as a clinical diagnosis and exploring various therapeutic options. This Q&A touches on everything from the potential genetic factors affecting Lyme's persistence to the safety of pregnancy in Lyme patients, offering a wealth of knowledge to both patients and practitioners.